
Tim & Tom

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

We still have some availability for holiday events most week days and also the following weekend dates are still available: Sunday December 16th, Friday December 21st, day time of Saturday December 22nd, Sunday December 23rd, and morning of December 24th. 

Monday, November 5, 2018

Getting Ready for the Holiday Season!

On the farm we are taking a few weeks of rest between the fall hayride season and all the fun holiday related events coming our way.

  •  November 25th we will giving rides in Adams at the tree lighting 
  • December 2nd Stockbridge Christmas on Main Street
  • Caroling on the Green in Wiliamsburg TBA
If you are interested in booking us for a holiday party, town or church event around the holidays just give us a call (413)250-6678